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Join the fight for mankind's survival against the aggressive aliens known as Judges in this revolutionary sci-fi FPS.
With Earth no longer able to sustain life, huge artificial satellites called "near-orbitals" were constructed for people to live on. To protect themselves, the near-orbitals banded together to form N.O.V.A., the Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance.
Against his will, retired marine hero Kal Wardin is forcefully returned to active duty to prevent mankind's annihilation.
Plunge into an unparalleled gaming experience!

Download (APK+DATA)

Copy to SDCARD/Gameloft/NOVA/
Then Install NOVA.apk


Horror games gave always been my weak point. And for the record, yes I have played Amnesia, and no, I have not finished it. Nor have I finished Silent Hill: Origins, or any other horror game really except for the Dead Space games. I guess I wouldn’t classify Dead Space as a hardcore horror game, but there are still many moments that made me jump.
There are also certain levels I just morally can’t go through, like the school in Dead Space 2. But even with my fears, I still couldn’t resist picking up Dead Space for Android. Maybe it wasn’t as scary as the other two games.

Download (APK+DATA)

Copy to SDCARD/ea/deadspace/
then install deadspace.apk

Gangstar West Coast Hustle (QVGA,HVGA,WVGA)


Gangstar: West Coast Hustle  is one of the most videogame-y games you can download for your iPhone. I mean that as a clarification of sorts. This is not an experimental or innovative iPhone-centric title. It is a stab at recreating the open world experience of Grand Theft Auto on the iDevices, directed at the hardcore gamer that happens to own either an iPhone or iPod Touch.
As a GTA clone, Gangstar is successful. Its scope is wide, offering up a fictionalized Los Angeles as a playground to both explore and bathe in blood. Gangstar occasionally stumbles due to the virtual controls (sometimes there is no replacement for physical sticks and buttons), jittery framerates, and the writing is cringe-worthy, but taken as a whole, it is an impressive effort to recreate GTA on the iPhone. 

Download (APK+DATA)

Copy to SD Card/Gameloft/Games/

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (QVGA,HVGA,WVGA)

Gameloft’s Dungeon Hunter series originally appeared on the iPhone in 2009 and impressed many gamers by successfully bringing the Diablo style loot-heavy action RPG to mobile devices.
It was a great feat on that platform, but in the years since the quality of mobile gaming has improved rapidly, Torchlight has proven that you can copy the Diablo formula while still having a unique sense of style, and Gameloft has been increasingly written off as a developer incapable of producing much beyond weak look-alikes of better games. Is there enough steam in Dungeon Hunter’s borrowed formula to make for a worthy Vita launch title?.

Download (APK+DATA)

*Copy to SD Card/Gameloft/Games/

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